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On this page we share some reviews of our clients, you can leave on this public testimonialpage.(you automically receive a testimonial link after completion of your treatment from our booking system).
Overall our clients are satisfied with our services, nevertheless, we constantly trying to improve our services, if you have a recommendation, critics please leave it in our feedback form. Thank you- your team from Tooth& Go dental clinic.
Here direct messages we received from one of our satisfied clients:
“I needed to have several crowns due to a large gap in my upper mouth. I obtained a treatment plan from my dentist in Brisbane, Australia. The cost was way beyond my means. Over the next two years I did some research into having dental work done overseas, and ended up visiting Manila and the team at Tooth and Go, led by Dr Elkie.
Prior to leaving Brisbane I received a final assurance from my Brisbane dentist about the work that was needed to restore my smile. When Dr Elkie performed an examination she advised that the gap in my mouth was too large for crowns to be effective. He advised that they would only fail after a short period of time. I listened in while Dr Elkie and the team in Manila had a telephone conversation with my dentist in Brisbane, expressing their concerns. My dentist in Brisbane conceded that she had made an error in recommending the treatment in the first place.
I was obviously disappointed, but with my Brisbane dentist, not with Tooth and Go. While I was in Manila I decided to have an impacted tooth removed by the surgical team. It was a difficult extraction, handled very well. Once I recovered I saw Dr Elkie again to discuss future options for the gap in my upper mouth. It was hoped that the bone density would recover sufficiently for implants to be possible at a later time. That was in November 2012. In the last few years I decided that I will just learn to live with the gap in my teeth.
Much to my surprise, I received a follow up email from Tooth & Go just this weekend, advising that Dr Elkie had been reviewing my case and believed he would be able to successfully do the implants and then crowns. Even though I have decided not to continue with the treatment, that is only a personal decision and in no way reflects the very high level of confidence I have with the team in Manila.
The dentists are all extremely professional, and the cost is a fraction of what you pay in Brisbane or other Australian cities. I would confidently say you will receive better treatment at Tooth and Go than in Australia. The clinic also has business deals with a good hotel close to the clinic, I am happy to discuss my experience personally with anybody who is considering using Tooth and Go. You can contact me via penno73@icloud.com.”
“I went to Manila in the Philippines for dental work Sept 2015 as I couldn’t afford the high prices charged here in Australia. I had an implant done as well as other work. I am giving this review because I nearly fell over when I first entered the clinic. It was extremely modern, large comfortable and clean. The work was later approved of by my Australian dentist.
The work was very professional from go to woe with a large number of overseas clients having work done. It proved to be a good choice for me.”‘Tooth and Go Dental Clinic’” info@dentist-manila.com
I will be interested to know how you and your family enjoy the books.
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