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Clear Orthodontic Aligners

Are an alternative and more cosmetic way to straighten your teeth compared to traditional braces. The whole treatment consists of a set of aligners that are removable and can be taken out of the mouth at any time, they are very easy to clean and are very comfortable to wear. The negative side is that they are more expensive than the traditional braces.

The clear orthodontic aligners are a new, advanced way to a perfect smile. A lot of people are not happy with wearing those conventional metal braces and are searching for an alternative to straight teeth. Well, with this method they avoid the metal or ceramic visible braces and get an almost invisible appliance to use


These appliances are a great solution for people that have mild spacing or crowding. They are not recommended for severe malocclusions. For those patients, dentists have to use fixed appliances. Once you’ve talked with your dentist, he’ll be able to let you know which is the best solution for you. They are not meant for severe crowding, for teeth that require complex movements, underbites, overbites, crossbites and more.



The treatment involves aligners that are made from a transparent material, for each patient separately. In other words, they are custom made for the specific case. The patient gets several trays with sets of aligners. The treatment starts with the first one. Before the whole procedure, the doctor will specifically explain to the patient how to use these appliances. They will have to wear the clear aligner for at least 20 hours per day. One aligner will last for 2 weeks in most cases. Once that period is over, the patient will have to switch to the next aligner in the set. The length of the treatment can vary for different cases. In most cases, it can be done for a year and a half. During this period, patients are advised to take off the appliances only when they need to eat. Proper and strict oral hygiene is necessary. They have to brush both their teeth and keep the aligners very clean. There is no pain during the treatment and almost no discomfort. People usually get used to the clear aligners very easily. After some time, they won’t even notice they’re wearing them. After the use of aligners, patients will probably have to wear retainers.


The best thing is the aesthetic moment. Unlike the ceramic or metal braces, people won’t even know that you’re wearing an orthodontic appliance. They are very easy to get used to plus are comfortable. You can take them off and put them on at any time of the day. You will be advised to wear them throughout the whole day and remove them only for meals and when you’re brushing or flossing. It is much easier to provide great oral hygiene with the clear aligners compared to other fixed appliances.


The biggest disadvantage of this type of treatment is the cost. The clear orthodontic aligners are more expensive than the other appliances. Another thing is that their use is limited. Dentists can’t use them in all cases, but only on the mild ones.