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Dental floss should be a regular part of everyone’s oral hygiene. The toothbrush in most cases cannot reach everywhere in the mouth. For example, the surfaces between teeth can only be cleaned with a floss or special interdental brushes. Dentists recommend that you floss at least once a day. That way you will prevent plaque build-up on the approximal surfaces and protect your teeth from caries and gum disease. The flossing technique is pretty simple, and if you need help your dentist can always assist you.


As mentioned before a toothbrush and toothpaste can’t reach and clean all of the tooth’s surfaces. That is why you should practice using a dental floss. The thing is that dental plaque has certain places where it tends to build up. Those are the fissures on the occlusal surfaces and the approximal ones. The approximal surfaces are the ones where two teeth meet. That is why caries is also predominant there. A dental floss is used to clean the approximal surfaces because there is no other way to do it.


These days there are a lot of different types of dental floss. Brands produce so many flosses that it’s hard to keep track. Every product has to be placed in a special plastic packaging. On the packaging, you will also see the length of the floss. It can vary between 10 and 100 m.

In general, the floss can be monofilament and multifilament. Multifilament floss can shred while using, while that won’t happen with the monofilament. Another thing that you will notice is that some feature wax. The ones they do are much easier and safer to use. That is because you avoid the possibility of hurting the surrounding soft tissues. Some people have crowding in their jaws, which means that the spaces between teeth are minimal. The recommended type for these patients is floss with a small width. People with larger spaces can use wider types. In most cases, dentists will help you if you have any doubts about questions. Sometimes, you will be able to determine by yourself whether that type of floss works for you or not. If you feel pain or pressure during flossing, you should definitely go for a narrower floss. There are also dental tapes that are perfect for people with wide interdental spaces and teeth spacing.



The technique of flossing is very easy and simple. In the beginning, you can start by using a special holder that will really help you called floss pick. That is the easiest way to floss. Another way to go is simply using your hands. You need to get one section from the floss in the packaging of around 50cm and wrap it around one finger of each hand. You can use whichever two fingers work best for you. Then you start flossing, once space after another. You only use light pressure to place the floss between teeth and go through both of the approximal surfaces. For each tooth, you use new parts of the floss to prevent contamination and spreading of bacteria.