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Is a laser specially designed to be used in dentistry for performing different intraoral procedures. It is a relatively new and expensive way of treatment, but it is very effective and it offers a wide range of procedures. The laser can be used in endodontics, surgery, decayed teeth, for teeth whitening, for treating gum disease and more.



If your dentist has a laser in their office they can use it to diagnose a number of conditions including initial caries lesions, especially the ones located in the fissures and the approximal surfaces. These two types are very hard to diagnose by just looking at and examining the teeth. Sometimes lasers are used to diagnose some pre-cancerous lesions and also dental calculus.

Hard-tissue Application:

Lasers are used to remove dental caries. Compared to the conventional removal, lasers are proven to be superior for many reasons. The first one is definitely the patient and the fact that they barely feel any pain or discomfort. Conventional removal of decay is painful and one of the reasons why patients avoid going to the doctor. The second one is that lasers are very efficient in terms of completely removing the decayed tissue, and leaving completely clean margins without any bacteria. These lasers can be also applied for removal of old composite fillings and restorations.



This is usually a cosmetic procedure that involves reshaping and contouring the shape of the tooth. Some teeth can be asymmetrical, longer or have some sharp edges. That is when enamleloplasty is indicated. Lasers can be used to perform this procedure.

-Removing calculus. Calculus is also a hard tissue that is very tightly attached to the surfaces of teeth. It can be removed by hand, special instruments or with a laser. The removal of a laser is painless, simple and precise. In the same time, they decontaminate the surfaces of the crown and root, leaving them clean and protecting them from bacteria.

-Whitening is a cosmetic procedure that can be done on vital and non-vital teeth. Lasers are used to accelerate and activate the bleaching agent. In other words, they make the procedure much better.


There are several procedures that can be done with a laser including osteoplasty, crown lengthening, ostectomy and more. Lasers are very precise in cutting bone and reshaping it. They also destroy bacteria while doing that are extremely precise.


Dentist can use dental lasers to create micropores in the dental substances that are necessary for the retention of fillings.

Treating hypersensitivity:

There are numerous studies which show that lasers can treat dental hypersensitivity.

Soft-tissue application:

Among the numerous things that lasers can do they can also be used on soft-tissues in the oral cavity. Dentists can perform biopsies, which are very precise and almost painless, treat some malignant conditions, disinfect root canals, do surgical procedures including cuts, gingivoplasty, frenectomy, frenotomy, operculotomy, treat aphthae and oral herpes and more.


Other uses include: endodontics (decontamination of root canals, preparation of root canals, enlargement and more), pedodontics (easier for children because there is no pain and almost no sound), periodontics (periodontal surgery, help with the treatment of periodontal disease) and more.