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Vita suprinity

Vita suprinity is a new innovation in dental products that offers a glass ceramic material enriched with zirconia. This material can be used for dental crowns and bridges, veneers, inlays and onlays and more. It is a very strong material that provides an outstanding esthetics. It can be processed by different systems such as CEREC, ARCTICA and the restorations are very accurate and precise.

Vita Suprinity belongs to one of the latest generations of ceramic materials. Each year dental materials get better, so this is one of the newest innovations. It is a lithium silicate glass-ceramic, that is reinforced with zirconia. In other words, it gets the best characteristics of the two materials. It has a very homogeneous structure, thanks to the fine, small particles that are a part of it. The benefits are that it offers a great edge stability, because of the lithium silicate base of the material, very good polishing features, great aesthetics, natural looking, high reliability, long-lasting.

Dental Vita Suprinity


Just like zirconia, Vita Suprinity can be used for a number of restorations. Among them are crowns, bridges, inlay, onlay, superstructures on implants and veneers. These are highly-aesthetic restorations. The long-term success is high and already proven. Vita Suprinity is available in several shades and two translucency levels. That gives dental technicians the space to play with colors and provide a very natural effect. The great aesthetics is due to the great translucence, opalescence, and fluorescence of the material.