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9-6 PM Monday to Saturday

Immediate Loading

Immediate loading in dental implantology refers to the process of placing a dental implant and attaching a crown&bridge, within a very short time frame, ideally within 48 hours after the implant placement. This approach contrasts with the early loading procedure which is done from 2weeks postop up to 3 months postop and the delayed loading around 3-6 months after the procedure.

Key Points of Immediate Loading:

As mentioned the addition silicone impressions are often used in prosthodontics. They are ideal for removable restorations, also for the fixed ones. Another great advantage is that dentists can use them when they need several molds from one single impression. Bite registration impressions are another indication. The only problem with these impressions is when the dentist can’t have a good moisture control.

The implant and the crown&bridge are placed in a single visit or within ideally 48 hours after the implant surgery.

The success of immediate loading depends on achieving primary stability of the implant at the time of placement. There are different approaches when it comes to minimum torque required to be able to perform this kind of procedure. From 20 Ncm(Turner) up to minimum of 35 Ncm are recommended to perform immediate loading. In our office our borderline is set to minimum of 35Ncm.

Dental implant procedure


The total treatment will last significantly less than standard procedures. Less visits to the dentist are required.

Patients can immediately enjoy the functional and aesthetic benefits of their new teeth.

Clinical resaerch studies resulted in the conclusion that immediate loaded implants result in a higher bone to implant contact and higher mineralized bone around immediate loaded implants compared to delayed loaded implants.

Reduces the number of surgeries and overall
appointments needed.


Due to the large extraction is technically more difficult for the surgeon to insert the implant.

Care must be taken by patient and practicioner to avoid unfavorable loading.

Immediate loading is not suitable for all patients and requires careful planning and evaluation by the dental practicioner to ensure the best possible outcome.